Masters Ventures’ Faith in Vegaswap is a Great Omen

Vegaswap AMM
3 min readSep 1, 2021


Masters Ventures’ Faith in Vegaswap is a Great Omen

When a serial investor like Master Ventures knocks on your door, you open it fast! The company commands tremendous respect in the blockchain community owing to its work in advancing the decentralized agenda. Its main point of interest is next-generation blockchain-based web 3.0 systems that are arguably the future of the decentralized industry. Their passion for driving blockchain forward has seen Master Ventures spin out three other platforms with the same ethos. Coinbase and Kraken are just some of the tier-1 crypto organizations part of MV’s portfolio, and now we can include Vegaswap on the list.

Master Ventures only invests strategically in the most innovative platforms with the potential to disrupt the status quo. The blockchain-infrastructure venture studio has strategically invested in and collaborated with industry-defining projects such as Shield Finance, ArGo, and Mozik. Their investment portfolio shows their diverse interest in the areas of blockchain applications. From music to finance, you will find the hand of Master Ventures carefully guiding and supporting these change-makers.

Given their interest in Vegaswap, Master Ventures must have identified key features that will potentially allow Vegaswap to redefine the decentralized exchange market. As both a strategic partner and investor, Master Ventures will offer industry insights geared towards refining what Vegaswap has already created and growing it to a platform that has the potential to become a household name.

Master Ventures’ Midas touch

The insightful investor refines projects in a structured procedure unique to every individual project’s demands. With the growth in mind, projects are taken through a series of steps, including strategy alignment, ideation, selection, and validation that help put the entire market penetration strategy into perspective. The result is a clearly defined path showing where the project is heading and how best it can achieve its set goals.

Thus far, Master Ventures has incubated over ten successful projects with no signs of slowing down. Of its many investments, the more recent names such as Shield Finance and Relite Finance have shown the kind of results projects should expect when working with Master Ventures. Taking a broader look at their portfolio, we see names such as Coinbase and Kraken, and it’s easy to appreciate the excitement when MV has a strong belief in your project.

Their involvement with the projects generated much interest within the decentralized community as they both attracted a combined total of 100,000 potential supporters willing to participate during their respective IDO’s. Though only about 4,000 were allowed to participate, the buzz generated through Master Ventures was monumental. Impressive results are expected once their respective IDO’s are launched.

Validating Vegaswap through Incubation

Judging from Master Ventures’ track record, the platform doesn’t just invest in any good project; it focuses on the outstanding ones. Just by incubating Vegaswap, Master Ventures has put a stamp of validation on the platform’s future success. Vegaswap now has even more confidence to continue checking off-targets on their roadmap as they move towards giving their community a well-deserved, novel automated market maker platform.

If it was still unclear whether Vegaswap was entering the decentralized exchange market to shake it up, then Master Ventures’ incubation confirmed it. The automated market maker platform already has all the necessary tools to become a market leader with its novel project. However, with Master Ventures now involved, the innovative technology will be turned into market-changing tools ready for real-world application.

By exploiting all that Master Ventures offers, Vegaswap can rise above its existing competition, delivering world-class services to the blockchain community and beyond.

About Vegaswap

Vegaswap is a user-centered automatic market maker that leverages multichain technology, providing users with a wide range of DeFi and cross-chain applications through its platform. I supports and enables seamless token earnings through customizable liquidity pools, dynamic pricing, and an intuitive UI. Vegaswap makes the work of LP providers efficient and profitable by creating provisions for unique smart pools, providing analytics tools, and reducing impermanent loss with adaptive spread.

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Vegaswap AMM

Vegswap is a protocol for creating liquidity and trading tokenised assets on public blockchains. The only AMM powered by a multi chain dynamic market maker.